Thursday, September 8, 2011

4-3-2-1 =10 Supplements to get Big

For those of us who need to gain weight or just add more muscle, here is your answer.

1 | Whey To Start The Day

Take in a whey protein shake immediately after you wake up in the morning. You’ve been sleeping for as many as eight hours, so you have not been providing your body with aminos for muscle building, muscle maintenance and other body processes. Although sleep allows your body to grow and recover, it leads to a catabolic state in which your body breaks down muscle mass to get the necessary aminos for conversion into energy. Whey is among the fastest digesting proteins, and it will give your body amino acids for fuel and growth. This will prevent your body from turning to muscle for those amino acids. Jump-start growth from the very beginning of the day by taking in whey protein first thing in the morning, even before you shower or brush your teeth.
Mix whey protein with water for faster digestion. At this time of day, avoid consuming fats, complex carbs and fiber as these will only slow down digestion and absorption of protein, working against your goals.


Take in 30 to 50 grams (g) of whey protein upon waking.

Mixes into a creamy, smooth shake that is rich in whey protein and made to build strength. Whey protein helps your body immediately build and rebuild muscle after exercise, while plant-derived digestive enzymes help your body process protein more efficiently. NUTRILITE® Whey Protein Powder comes in convenient, portable pouches with 25 g of whey protein in each serving.
  • Helps restore, repair, and build muscle immediately after exercise.
  • Each serving provides 25 grams of fast-digesting protein your body uses to build and repair muscle.
  • Contains glutamine to support the immune system.
  • Ideal for weightlifters, endurance athletes, and people who want to build muscle.
  • Exclusive NUTRILITE® C-Lenium Blend helps protect against harmful free radicals generated by exercise.
  • No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.

Build muscle, strength, definition.
Ideal for weightlifters, endurance athletes, and people who want to build muscle. NUTRILITE® Whey Protein Powder is fast-digesting and quickly used by the body to build and repair muscle. More protein and less fat per serving, plus no artificial flavors compared to EAS® 100% Whey Protein and GNC® Pro Performance®. Feel the energy. Know the power.

2 | Multiply Gains With A Multi

Twenty minutes later, you’ve taken your shower and dressed. Now, it’s time for breakfast. You’ve given your body an instant hit of fast-digesting protein. Next, you should consume a whole-food meal that includes slow-burning fuel. Eat a breakfast consisting mainly of protein (such as eggs and breakfast meat) and complex carbs (such as oatmeal or whole-grain toast). A piece or two of fruit is good at this time, as well. The fructose in fruit will directly replenish the glycogen stores in your liver, which will turn off the catabolic processes and help you get into an anabolic mode quicker. In addition, take a multivitamin/multimineral pill or pack.
It’s beneficial to take a multi with breakfast for two reasons: one, it’s easier to digest and process these nutrients when consumed with a whole-food meal; two, you provide your body with these nutrients at the very start of the day so that they can begin supporting muscle growth and enhancing immunity.


Eat a breakfast comprising protein, fruit and complex carbs, and take multivitamins/multiminerals.
The Ultimate Multivitamin – Get complete, natural nutrition every day!
NUTRILITE® DOUBLE X® Supplements help fill your nutritional gaps with top-quality, natural plant ingredients, grown and harvested on our own certified organic farms. No artificial colors or preservatives. 

NUTRILITE® Daily Multivitamin Multimineral Just one daily tablet provides 24 essential vitamins and minerals, 20 of them at 100% of the Daily Value. That's more than the other leading brands.

3 | Fiber Up

You can also elect to take a fiber supplement with breakfast. Fiber provides a host of bodybuilding benefits, including digestion improvement and absorption of nutrients and amino acids. Fiber also slows digestion, helping your body to process protein more slowly to give you more bang for your buck. It’s not critical to take fiber with breakfast, but doing so will help slow the release of amino acids so that they will remain available in the bloodstream until the next meal. At any rate, fiber should be taken with whole-food meals (or a protein shake before bedtime) to most effectively slow the release of aminos. To boost fiber intake take another dose of a fiber supplement just before going to bed.
Doing so with or right before your last protein shake of the day will not only boost your overall fiber intake, but it will also slow down digestion of the protein supplement. This will help keep aminos circulating in your bloodstream longer, helping to protect hard-earned muscle mass from overnight breakdown.


Take a fiber supplement with at least 3 g of fiber at breakfast. Take another 3 g of fiber with or just before your last protein shake of the day.

Feel fuller longer.Reach your weight-loss goals by adding fiber to your diet. NUTRILITE INVISIFIBER supplements can help you add fiber, which can help you feel fuller longer. These unique, taste-free supplement stick packs contain a blend of three natural, soluble fibers. The resulting non-gritty, tasteless powder can be sprinkled onto foods or mixed into

4 | Crank Up The Caffeine. better still B12

Caffeine is one of the most basic and most effective sports supplements. In that case, it’s not surprising that it’s also one of the best bodybuilding supplements. Caffeine is an excellent option, no matter what phase of the bodybuilding season you’re in. It’s great for growth because it can help boost training intensity and focus. It’s also beneficial when you’re trying to shed bodyfat because it helps your body remove fat from storage and use it as energy. Of course, too much caffeine can make you jittery and can keep you from sleeping. For best results, supplement with caffeine once or twice a day, preferably early in the day.


Drink one XS especially before exercise. To combat fatigue, take Rhodiola 110
as needed.

5 | Create More Muscle With Creatine

The benefits of creatine are well established. Taking creatine before and after a workout can provide numerous bodybuilding benefits. First, creatine can help drive water into muscles, helping them to be temporarily stronger. When you train with more weight (and reps), you stimulate more muscle growth. Second, after a workout, creatine can help drive nutrients into muscle mass to better facilitate recovery. In addition, newer research is demonstrating that creatine offers antioxidant like protection and can boost the benefits of cardiovascular training. For all these reasons, creatine is the number-one bodybuilding supplement.


Take 2-3 g of creatine with a whey protein shake before you work out, and take 2-3 g of creatine (for a total of about 5 g) with a whey protein shake afterward.

6 | Grow With Glutamine

Along with creatine, glutamine is one of the best bodybuilding supplements on the market. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, and as such it’s used for myriad physiological processes. Among these, glutamine offers the following advantages for bodybuilders: it improves digestion, enhances immunity and promotes recovery. Glutamine also provides energy by supplying muscles with important metabolic intermediates. In addition, it aids in the production of bicarbonate, which buffers fatigue-producing chemicals formed during intense exercise. Glutamine helps muscles to load up better with glycogen after exercise. These reasons make it important to take the supplement both before and after exercise. Your body can manufacture this amino from other aminos in your body, but to do so, it pulls them from storage, breaking down muscle mass in the process. Supplementing with glutamine gives your body what it needs without tearing apart the muscles you’ve worked so hard to build.


Take 5-10 g of glutamine before training and the same amount afterward. Add glutamine to whey shakes or drink it with water at other times of the day. Build up the dosage slowly, and keep your total daily dose under 40 g.

7 | Whey To Work Out

One of the best things for your body is a whey protein shake before and after you work out. This is the time of day when bodybuilders put the heaviest nutritional demand upon their bodies, and whey protein helps to add more muscle mass. If you drink a whey protein shake before training, it typically won’t negatively affect your workout because whey is easy to digest. It will also provide aminos to your body to help recover and build muscle mass. Another shake right after you work out will kick the recovery and growth processes into high gear. Take both with fast-digesting carbs (like sugars, such as dextrose, maltodextrin or Vitargo). These drive protein (and the creatine you’ll also have around that time) into your muscles and help restock glycogen stores that were burned up while training.


Pretraining, drink 20 to 40 g of whey protein with 40 to 80 g of simple carbs. Posttraining, drink the same. You can add glutamine and creatine to the mix, as described previously.

8 | Boost Antioxidants

When you train hard or put your body under other types of strain, you create harmful free radicals. Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E can combat free radicals and help keep your muscles growing. Your multi most likely already contains these basic nutrients, but having a second dose later in the day is a great way to ensure the availability of the vitamins for bodybuilding benefits. So, include an additional dose of these antioxidants with dinner (or with your postworkout whey shake) as they are most effective when taken in conjunction with calories.


Consume 500 mg of vitamin C and 400 IU of vitamin E with a large whole-food dinner or postworkout with a shake.

9 | Get Z’s With Zinc And Magnesium

Bodybuilders and other athletes are notoriously deficient in zinc and magnesium. The demands of training increase the body’s need for these minerals. In addition, minerals tend to be lost through sweat, creating an even greater deficit. Taking a zinc and magnesium formulation such as ZMA can help overcome the effects of overtraining and can increase anabolic hormone levels, including free testosterone and insulinlike growth factor-1. Those hormones may otherwise be suppressed in hard-training athletes. ZMA can also improve the quality of sleep (thus, additionally aiding recovery). Keep in mind that ZMA works most effectively on an empty stomach, especially in the absence of calcium. If need be, you can take it with a protein shake, but you’ll get much better results if you can take ZMA a half-hour or so before the shake.


Supplement with ZMA on an empty stomach about a half-hour before your last protein shake of the day.
Adequate calcium and vitamin D throughout life, as part of a well-balanced diet, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. NUTRILITE® Cal Mag D provides the proper ratio of three sources of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D, which encourages maximum absorption potential in the body. You’ll get calcium equivalent to 20 oz. of milk! No added artificial colors or preservatives.

*Regular exercise and a healthy diet with enough calcium and vitamin D helps individuals maintain good bone health and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

10 | The Case For Casein

Casein protein, like whey protein, is a fraction of milk protein. Unlike whey, case in protein is slowly digested. Consume a fast-digesting protein around your workout and when you first get up, but emphasize slow-digesting proteins at other times of day. Probably the most important time to take in a slow-digesting protein is just before bedtime, as you may go eight or more hours without eating. The longer you can keep amino acids in your bloodstream, the less likely your body is to tap into your muscle mass for its amino needs. You can also use casein as a meal replacement when you can’t get in a whole-food meal, but you’re looking to provide your body with a slow and steady source of aminos.


Take in 30 to 50 g of casein protein with or without carbs just before bedtime. Those trying to shed bodyfat should avoid carbs; those trying to add size should consume carbs (up to 50 g).
Follow this timeline of supplementation, train hard and smart, and muscular progress will be guaranteed on a day-to-day basis.

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