A Study a Day: form the files of Dr. Chet
Researchers wanted to test the effects of Rhodiola rosea on markers of fatigue. How were they going to induce fatigue? Have male Wistar rats swim for 90 minutes; then add weights equal to 5% of their body weight and have them swim to exhaustion. After the test, they sampled every marker of fatigue and energy production they could think of.
For the next two to four weeks, they put a standardized extract of Rhodiola in the rats’ drinking water, then repeated the swimming tests. They found that the longer the rats were exposed to Rhodiola, the more profound the effects. The longer they took Rhodiola, the lower the fatigue markers and the better the availability of energy nutrients, such as releasing more carbohydrates and fats during exercise.
While this was a study on rats—and you know I’m not a fan of rodent research—it does support the research on humans. The difference was they were able to sacrifice the rats to study more details; there aren’t many human volunteers for that approach.

What does this mean for you? Try taking a standardized extract of 100 mg of Rhodiola rosea every morning for a month and see how you perform in your workouts—better yet, wash it down with an XS Energy Drink. If you feel more energy and are able to power through your workout and perform better all day long, you’ve got your answer.

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