Sunday, October 2, 2011

4-3-2-1 How can the older have a balance diet (Part 3)

Keeing healthy

As well as making sure you eat enough of the right types of food, try to follow these food and diet tips to stay healthy:
Stay a healthy weight
Try to keep your weight at a healthy level. It’s not good to be either overweight or underweight.

As you grow older, if you're overweight, you’ll become less mobile. This can affect your health and quality of life. Being overweight also increases your risk of diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
Being underweight isn’t healthy either and may be a sign that you're not eating enough or that you're unwell. Being underweight also increases your risk of osteoporosis. 
At ABEJI we can provide you with the tools to help you control your weight.

NUTRILITE® Weight Management Program Carb Reducer™ Plan Journal and Weight Management Program Fat Trimmer™ Plan Journal

The Carb Reducer™ Plan Journal is a motivating tool that takes you step-by-step through four weeks of the NUTRILITE Weight Management Program Carb Reducer Plan. Use the journal to record your progress and accomplishments along the way.
Trademark: (Interleukin Genetics, Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts).

Watch out for lack of appetite
As we age, it’s natural to eat less or be less interested in food. This is partly because we’re not as active as we used to be, and also because we lose some muscle so our bodies burn fewer calories.

However, it’s important to get all the energy and nutrients that your body needs.
If you don’t eat as much as you used to, eat smaller meals more often and supplement them with nutritious snacks, such as fruit, vegetables and wholegrain toast.
You may eat less because you find it more difficult to buy or prepare food, or because you find it harder to get around if you have a condition such as arthritis.
Eat regularly, at least three times a day. If you don't feel like cooking from scratch, have a tinned, chilled or frozen ready-prepared meal instead. It's a good idea to have a store of foods in the freezer and cupboard in case you cannot go out.

Check out the 4-3-2-1 Smart Menu choices

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